Truck Fetish

In the past few years it seems as though I have developed an erotic desire toward guys in big trucks. Dualies are clear…

Thoughts on Non-Reciprocal Interests

In a relationship, especially one among fetishists and the BDSM crowd, not every interest will be reciprocated. It’s just like any relationship, people…

Cleaning Ball Gags

I have a ball gag that has a bit of a sour taste to it, very sour actually, to the point of not…

Beginnings of a Story

I was bored earlier and decided I might consider writing for a bit, and found myself digging in my old creative writing stuff…

HT: My Current Situation

At the moment my cock is locked in a Steelworxx SteelHeart2 device, and I’m wearing tight jeans (original fit) and a pair of…