Project 365: Day 41
Caught the hot workman, drugged him and then laid him out on my bed.
Caught the hot workman, drugged him and then laid him out on my bed.
Following a hot workman around all day, caught this shot of him. Want to know what happens to him? Check in tomorrow.
Look what I caught…
The collared submissive looks downward, awaiting orders from his Master. The boy knows his place and does not look directly at superior men.
Not sure if its the perfect shine or not, but I like it. I know I’ve already done a shine photo, but I…
Some things you see, and they are just completely distracting…
Here are the cuffs, hanging in the bondage pantry. No fantasy to go with today’s image, so you will have to find your…
Skaters are in general pretty innocent guys, but they do sometimes get into mischief, its just the way they are, and in those…
The bound runner has been stripped of his sneakers and is now being tormented.